8684生活网>办公器材/耗材> 万事达VANSDA


温州万事达机械有限公司多年来凭借创新的科技理念,自主开发了6大类三十多种规格的复膜机械,产品种类繁多覆盖面广,应用领域遍及印刷 包装 标签 广告 办公 电子等行业.

万事达VANSDA 牌复膜机以设计技术创新注重产品质量而享誉国内外市场。

       Company Profile

Wenzhou Vansda Machinery Co., Ltd is a well-established manufacturer which produces a variety of laminating machines.

The products include compact desktop laminators to high-speed water glue laminators. The applications cover posters, digital prints, photos and many more.

The VANSDA brand of laminators gained recognitions both in domestic and international markets.